Data Append Services
Data Append & Enhancement Services
Data append and enhancement is a key component of your marketing strategy. Let us enhance your consumer and business databases by appending important attributes and filling the gaps in your customer data.
There are many reasons why you should append important attributes to your prospect and customer data.
- Fill in the missing pieces in your customer your data
- Develop a multi-channel marketing strategy
- Identify and target new sub-segments
- Validate and update existing information
Consumer and Business Data Attributes
Email Address
Add consumer or business email addresses
Consumer Demographic
Add demographic attributes – gender, age, marital status and education
Geographic Append
Add geographic attributes address, lat/long, population, msa
Business Firmographic
Add business Information – Industry, NAICS, Revenue, Size, Location, Website
Consumer & Business Phone
Add consumer or business phone numbers
Social Media Append
Add social media handles