Ray Estevez’ Bio
Ray Estevez Bio
Ray Estevez’ journey to the C-Suite consists of successful enterprise and start-up experiences at JP Morgan, Time Warner/Time Inc., 24/7 Media, ORB Inc., V12 Group/V12 Data, True Influence, and Anteriad. Estevez recently launched his own Data & Technology advisory practice.
At Anteriad he was responsible for the modernization of its legacy IT infrastructure, and migration to the cloud. He also supported all corporate business systems, and managed data and IT Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). Prior to Anteriad, Estevez was CIO and CDO for True Influence, where he spearheaded all technology strategy, data operations, as well as data privacy and compliance. He drove organizational growth through the expansion of Intent data-driven insights which led the company to be acquired by MeritB2B in 2021 (press release). The combined company was renamed Anteriad in early 2022.

He previously served as CIO for V12 Data, where he was responsible for the overall technology strategy, software engineering, and data management. Before that he was the Co-Founder and CIO at V12 Group, where he led the technology and data strategy and product development.
He drove organizational growth through data-driven insights and products like Launchpad which led the company to be acquired by Datamentors in 2016 (press release). He has also held technology leadership positions at ORB Digital, 24/7 Media and Time Warner.
He was the CTO at ORB Inc. https://www.linkedin.com/company/orbdigital/about/ where he re-engineered ORBit the company’s ad server technology. This included increasing the ad impression capacity by 110%.
In 1999 he was the Chief Technology Officer of ConsumerNet and was instrumental in the development of their Email database technology and growth. This led to the company being acquired by 24/7 Media Inc. for $52 million dollars. After executing a smooth integration of technologies and personnel, he went on to lead the technology and operations of the E-Mail division of 24/7 Media, and was appointed an executive member of the mergers & acquisitions team.
The M&A team went on to acquire several companies including Sift, Exactis, and iPromotions.

Education and Personal
Ray earned his Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from City College of New York. He currently serves as chair of the NY Regional Advisory Board for America On Tech. He is a thought leader and panelist at events such as Consero’s Chief Information Security Officer Forum and others. Always an advocate for his team, he encourages continuous education, open communication and work-life balance. He enjoys mentoring numerous college students.